
Facelift without Surgery

Introduction Facelift surgery is the most preferred method for getting a facelift done. However, there are many instances where medical conditions, charges or personal preferences rules out a surgical procedure. There are lots of potential clients who would rather opt for non-invasive forms of facelift procedures. Plenty of the non-invasive facelift without surgery procedures tends to have fewer side effects and lower downtime. Some of these procedures can be done within an hour with minimal sedation. It’s advisable to always look for a procedure with some lifting of the SMAS rather than skin lift alone. Who Qualifies For A Facelift ? There are a number of patients who can be considered candidates for a non-surgical facelift or facelift without surgery. First, it’s those with pre-existing conditions that make a surgery a risky option. There are also those whose skin takes an inordinately long period to heal. Thirdly are those who have a little downtime and need to heal fast.